Second hand shoes wholesale | Used shoes – Samiyatex

We first got started-as a shoe grader, from a small 1,000 sq ft warehouse 27 years ago into a 42,000 sq ft warehouse today. We are fortunate to be one of the biggest used shoes graders and exporters in USA and sort around 5 million lbs of raw shoes every year. We make 3 Grades of Shoes: Grade A & Grade B are exported while grade C, shoes that are torn or unwearable, gets recycled into other materials. We recycle and export around 95% of all the shoes we process.

Our most popular quality, is thoroughly checked to make sure it’s clean, has many top brand name shoes, is bright and neatly paired w/rubber bands. Because we process a lot of credential shoes, our shoe quality is also much higher than most exporters. We even wash some of our shoes, something that very few do in our industry, to make sure our quality is best that it can be. We make the following types of Grade A Shoes:

used shoes in bulk
used shoes suppliers
pre owned shoes
second hand shoes
second hand shoes in bulk
second hand shoes wholesale
used shoes in bulk
used shoes suppliers
used shoes wholesale
used shoes wholesale in los angeles
used shoes wholesale usa
grade a used shoes
second hand shoes wholesale in usa
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